Finding A Breeder

Buy from an established reputable breeder. Finding one local where you can visit and meet your kitten up close and “purrsonal” is preferred. However, that is not always possible. If you can visit a cat show, that offers the opportunity to see not only cats,but their breeders. You can search websites, such as Feline Breeders Referral Listing, FBRL, where breeders can be found. Beware, there are ficticious websites that show darling pictures stolen from websites. You could purchase a cat that isn’t available. Ask for referrals. As a breeder, I also want to know about you and the family that my kitten will live with. Texts and phone calls are helpful.

Raising and showing cats is my hobby, not a business.

Ethical breeders evaluate their kittens by the same process used by professional judges at cat shows. Such pets are in great demand, for they reflect the health, personalities and the physical qualities that define the ideal example of their breed.

Only those kittens with the potential to mirror their breed standard closely are considered for breeding or showing. You should expect to pay $1200.00 and up for a pet Exotic kitten. Be certain that you get the quality that you pay for.

Conscientious breeders protect their kittens; their ethics protect you, the buyer. Do not accept a kitten unaccompanied by instructions for its care, immunization schedule, neuter, feeding and grooming needs. Do not buy on impulse; be prepared to provide the necessary care and companionship for the lifetime of the kitten.

A small kitten with big round eyes and fluffy fur is lying on a striped fabric surface. Both of its paws are brought up close to its face.